u2october's Diaryland Diary


Starter Marriages and New Eras

Tomorrow I will begin moving into my own apartment for the first time since 1999. I’ve been listening to a book for people who have been left by their spouses in divorce. It has been somewhat helpful in getting me to examine my own attachments and why holding on to them just creates more pain.

It is very hard to not equate divorce with failure. Here I am, twenty years from the start of my first marriage - a starter marriage if you will - and I’m staring down the barrel of my second divorce.

I don’t know that I’ll ever marry again. Of course, that is to be expected given where I am emotionally right now. I have zero interest in even dating for the foreseeable future. I’m going to focus on my kids, and talking my best friend into moving back up here(cue my breaking the fourth wall).

Tomorrow brings the dawn of a new era in my life. Write a song about that, Taylor.

:end transmission:

01:05 - 01.26.24


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