u2october's Diaryland Diary


For My Latest Adventure

I'm sitting here on Jess' bed. Well, it is actually OUR bed. I mean, I picked it out. Now, in two short weeks, I will be moving into my own apartment for the first time since 1999. I can't believe it has been that long since I lived alone. This is going to be weird as fuck.

I suppose Dan will be moving into my house once I have moved out. I don't think either he or Jess realizes that I do not relinquish any of my legal rights to the house. While I probably won't exercise them, I have the right to come and go as I please without advanced notice. They aren't allowed to change the locks, etc.

If I'm honest, I'm still pretty fucking mad that I'm the one being pushed to move out. I didn't ask for this. I'm not the one leaving my spouse to run off with my boyfriend. Hell, I'm not even running off. This is just fucking insanity. I have a feeling that if things go tits up I will be moving back into my own house within a few months.

In the meantime, I am going to try and make the best of this latest adventure.

:end transmission:

00:53 - 01.15.24


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