u2october's Diaryland Diary


He is Prison

It’s been a month since my last post, which was probably not an altogether bad thing. I sort of got lost in the fog a bit as I just sort of mentally hurled towards oblivion through an endless see of clouds.

Easter was well, Easter. As a Druid now, it’s interesting to see just how much christianity co-opted from the pagan traditions that predate it by thousands of years. Mostly, Easter just sucked. I’m sure there are many more nuanced ways to describe it, but that is the easiest way for me to describe it.

The hardest part for me personally is the not knowing what the hell to do with myself now that I am not a christian. I may never figure that out.

And that’s ok.

And I finished another chapter overview for the book. More on that in my next entry.

:end transmission:

23:19 - 04.04.24


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