u2october's Diaryland Diary


old entries and the simplicity of it all

This is the most consistently I have written on Diaryland in about 20 years. I view that as a good thing.

I tend to think my entries now have more substance, but that could just be the middle aged hubris.

I haven’t stuck with anything for this long other than depression.

There are two things that stick out to me when I occasionally read some of those entries:

1. Untreated Chronic Depression and Anxiety make for compelling reading, but are dangerous.

2. My life was a lot simpler then. I mean, I thought my life was crazy at the time, but considering what my life looks right now I’d take the simplicity eight days a week.

I need to go to ikea soon. Forgot my Adderall today.

:end transmission:

01:00 - 12.10.23


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