u2october's Diaryland Diary


Everything Hurts

I'm writing this entry at work. Well, I'm in an empty school room that doubles as an office for one of the several union locals that I represent/give technical or legal advice to.

I'm in pain. again. The ongoing pancreatic saga that causes days of unbearable abdominal pain is upon me again. I've adjusted my diet due to the diabetes, that doesn't help. I have lost a lot of weight, that hasn't helped. I don't have cancer, so that is good, but this never ending pain and fatigue is chipping away at my will to do much of anything, and that is not good.

Yesterday, I came home from work and passed out at 5:30pm and didn't get back up until 8:30am this morning. I know this is making me less fun to be around, which in turn makes me shrink back from any social activities.

I have missed my hometown a lot lately, and am scheduled to visit next week. I hope this latest streak of pain goes away by then.

I wish there were more positive things to say right now, but everything just fucking hurts.

:end transmission:

11:22 - 07.03.24


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