u2october's Diaryland Diary


Ferguson Disappointment

There’s something to be said for staying to fight. There’s also something to be said for not staying to fight.

The last few years have been a wild ride, that is for certain. I’ve often wondered if I’ve made the right decisions at certain times. Certainly I’ve made both good and bad decisions along the way. Either way, I’m still here.

Still alive.

Pretty sure I won’t grow old. Physical and mental health have both weighed in on that front. But for today, I’m here. Same diaryland that I found back when I was still tethered to what my youth pastor had to say about my life.

I sometimes wonder what he’d have to say about me now. Probably disappointment, but I’ve realized somewhere along the way that sometimes if someone who never had your best interest at heart is disappointed, it is a good thing.

Not sure where this entry was headed, but I’m good with where we ended up.

:end transmission:

23:18 - 06.18.24


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