u2october's Diaryland Diary


Autoerotic Asphyxiation for the Mind

Just got back from NYC this afternoon. Book of Mormon was great. I would've probably enjoyed Dear Evan Hansen though. I took my medicine for the first time in 4 or 5 days. My therapist will always ask, and it dawned on me that therapy is a sort of secular version of the church version of an accountability partner. I don't particularly like that.

I'm doing a sort of reverse microdosing with my meds to try and pinpoint where the breaking point is where the spiralling begins. It's really intoxicating in that in between full spiral and when you feel it start and you still have a little control but are letting it happen. It's like autoerotic asphyxiation for the mind. So far about 6-7 days is the sweet spot.

Normal people just don't get it.

: end transmission:

23:19 - 02.27.22


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